by Charles O'Donnell | Jun 7, 2013 | Uncategorized
The Girlfriend Experience tells the story of a young man who discovers the key to breaking Internet encryption while working on a project for the National Security Agency, or NSA. When I wrote the story the idea of the NSA monitoring every phone call, email, Facebook post and tweet seemed far-fetched, although I was aware of the NSA’s project to build a gigantic data center in the Utah desert for an undisclosed purpose.
by Charles O'Donnell | Mar 22, 2013 | Promotion
There is a controversy over the value of the free promotion – giving away your book for $0.00 for a limited time. Some view this as a great way to raise the visibility of your work. Others say it cheapens your work and gluts the market. The debate rages on.
by Charles O'Donnell | Mar 6, 2013 | Promotion
If you read my post about first impressions you saw my best attempts at a cover that gets attention and sells books. The cover and the blurb – those are the levers the indie author can manipulate to get the prospective reader to give a book a look. Writing and cover design are different disciplines, so I admitted my shortcomings and hired a pro.
by Charles O'Donnell | Feb 23, 2013 | Excerpts
The National Security Agency is prohibited by law from eavesdropping on American citizens, yet, at the direction of the American president, they have done exactly that.
by Charles O'Donnell | Feb 15, 2013 | News
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