The Big Book of How to Publish a Book

If you don’t own this book, buy it: I learned about Jeff Herman’s book at a writers conference last year, from a pleasant, soft-spoken, gray-haired man who makes his living writing erotica. The book lists publishing houses by genre, their editors by...

A Face in the Crowd

I feel like Waldo. I’m wearing my striped shirt, my goofy stocking cap and my horned-rims and I’m still nearly invisible, even if you’re looking for me. Have you ever seen the movie A Face in the Crowd? Radio producer Marcia Jeffries (Patricia...

Friends and Family

I love my family. They love me. They account for 90% of my book sales–so far. And they’ve written some awesome reviews of The Girlfriend Experience. Their praise is so effusive it turns my head. Of course, I think it’s well deserved. Our side...

The Blog Circuit

The topic today is Search Engine Optimization–SEO. It’s best done organically. That means I need to get the book out in the Internet, in places people look. In my previous post you read about my pitiful attempts at creating an Internet presence, including...