Interview With A Middle Schooler

Interview With A Middle Schooler

I got a fun email from my niece today. She’s helping out a friend whose seventh-grade daughter is an aspiring novelist. The email was addressed to me (self-published author) and my sister (actually published-published author) and included a short interview. I include it here with my answers.

The Goodreads Giveaway – Part 2

The Goodreads Giveaway

Since publishing the Kindle version of The Girlfriend Experience in December, 2012, it’s been my intention to promote the book with a Goodreads Giveaway. I read about Colleen Hoover’s example and learned that her Slammed series languished for months until she did a giveaway and her book got picked up by the blogs. So from that time on I considered a giveaway the cornerstone of my promotion plan.

Hey NSA, Are You Listening?

Hey NSA, Are You Listening?

The Girlfriend Experience tells the story of a young man who discovers the key to breaking Internet encryption while working on a project for the National Security Agency, or NSA. When I wrote the story the idea of the NSA monitoring every phone call, email, Facebook post and tweet seemed far-fetched, although I was aware of the NSA’s project to build a gigantic data center in the Utah desert for an undisclosed purpose.

Mithra’s Hand

Mithra’s Hand

In the century before the Common Era, the ancient Greeks discovered that the fixed stars were not fixed after all; instead, they moved, as if marching at a steady pace in a circle across the sky.
This knowledge was considered too dangerous for the average man to possess.

Free Promotion! The Sequel!

Free Promotion! The Sequel!

There is a controversy over the value of the free promotion – giving away your book for $0.00 for a limited time. Some view this as a great way to raise the visibility of your work. Others say it cheapens your work and gluts the market. The debate rages on.